Home Société Elle a posé pour une photo de classe…3 décennie plus tard, son...

Elle a posé pour une photo de classe…3 décennie plus tard, son petit ami remarque un détail très troublant !


Mais ils se disent que ce serait une coïncidence beaucoup trop grosse. Mais un beau jour, ils se rendent chez les parents de Justin pour le week-end…

Le couple relate l’histoire et les parents ressortent alors la photo de classe de maternelle….Amy et Justin se rendent compte que c’est bien d’elle dont il s’agit!

Sur le cliché, les deux amoureux sont assis côte à côte.

https://www.facebook.com/Preschoolsweethearts/ I Met my boyfriend when we were both 32. We met on match.com. Didn’t have a single friend in common, that we knew of. Found out we lived in the same town almost our entire lives. Discovered we shared mutual friends. Went to events on the same night, attended the same gatherings of mutual friends on the same nights but never met. He told me when we started dating that he liked my name because his first crush was a girl named Amy in preschool. So you could imagine our surprise & amazement when a month later we learned not only did we attended the same preschool at the same time but we were actually preschool sweethearts. To make all of this even sweeter, 3 nights ago, his mom found our class picture from preschool and not only are we both in it but we’re sitting right next to each other 😍 Being next to this man is my favorite place in the world. Just wanted to share our crazy, happy story about destiny, love and an awesome website called Match! 😊💗 just wanting to share a happy story of love #preschoolsweethearts #didyoueverwonderaboutme #fate #destiny #lovestory #love #tbt #nicholassparks #nicholassparksistheonlyonewhocouldwritethisstory

Une publication partagée par Amy Giberson Pounders 🌸 (@preschool_sweethearts) le

Une belle histoire qui montre qu’ils étaient définitivement faits l’un pour l’autre.

Aujourd’hui Amy et Justin sont mariés et vivent un vrai compte de fée !


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